Subscribe PWAP via this page (/howto_sub-copy)
USING AN A WEBER FORM in the aWeber application named "PWAP Subscribe"
That will add them to THE AWEBER LIST "PWAP Subscribe"
and send them to a Groove thank you page "ty1" (WHICH IS IN THE FUNNEL "THANK YOU PAGES") containing
text which asks them to confirm name and email ON A NEW GROOVE FORM NAMED "Sub G PWAP"
which subscribes them to Groove list "PWAP Subscribe"
and sends them to Groove thank you page "ty2" (WHICH IS IN THE FUNNEL "THANK YOU PAGES") which simply says "Thanks again!" and "I will let you know when I release a new poem"
Subscribe PWAP via this page using an aWeber Form named"PWAP Subscribe"
which adds them to aWeber list "PWAP Subscribe"
and sends them to a Groove thank you page "ty1" containing
text which asks them to confirm name and email on a new Groove Form named "G PWAP Subscribe"
which subscribes them to Groove list "G PWAP Subscribe"
and sends them to Groove thank you page "ty2"
Must create
Form ""G PWAP Subscribe"'
List "G PWAP Subscribe"
Confirm "ty1" contains
text which asks them to confirm name and email
new Groove Form named "G PWAP Subscribe"
confirm Groove thnk you page "ty2" exists and is correct
PWAP Groove Site To Do
Add groove sign up form to “PWAP/ty1” page
Add custom button for use throughout pages that goes to pwap sign up using aweber pwap subscribe form which ty goes to add to groove pwap
Poetry is when an emotion has found it's thought, and the thought has found words. ~Robert Frost