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Header Font Old Standard TT 92Px Bold Italic
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Meriweather 92pt Bold
Libre Baskerville 92 pt Bold
Monserrat 92 pt Bold
The Driftwood Dialogues
Cairo 92pt Bold
My Favorite Fonts
Libre Baskerville
Libre Franklin
Noto Sans
Font Old Standard TT Italic
Poet With A Point!
Poet With A Point!
The Driftwood Dialogues is the story of my encounter with a magical piece of driftwood.
A piece of driftwood that possessed the exact combination of empathic, telepathic, and poetic powers necessary to convey to me, in terms so clear that even I could no longer evade their truth, the lessons that so many of us have been condemned to repeat over and over again.
The Driftwood Dialogues is the story of my encounter with a magical piece of driftwood.
A piece of driftwood that possessed the exact combination of empathic, telepathic, and poetic powers necessary to convey to me, in terms so clear that even I could no longer evade their truth, the lessons that so many of us have been condemned to repeat over and over again.
The Driftwood Dialogues is the story of my encounter with a magical piece of driftwood.
A piece of driftwood that possessed the exact combination of empathic, telepathic, and poetic powers necessary to convey to me, in terms so clear that even I could no longer evade their truth, the lessons that so many of us have been condemned to repeat over and over again.
Poet With A Point!